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Mini-Series: How to design a conversation for any selling situation and win even when they say NO!

 Part 2: Intros & Open. Small Talk. Pleasantry. Permission. Process. Confidentiality.

September 24, 2020

So you have your positive intention (Part 1), and now it's time to start the conversation.


Here is how…


Keep in mind that this is not about you! This conversation is about them. Always about them. In the big picture, you have the conversation to live your purpose, help people, and make some money. But with an individual, you are there to help them.


Also, with a scheduled call, the person already has a reason for being on the call.


So, you want to come in hot, lay it down, tell them the game you are playing, and get out of the way. Allow them to talk sooner so you can find out why they are on the call.


And on a cold call, they picked up the phone, so they are expecting a conversation.


Same rules above – come in hot, lay it down, explain the game, and get out of the way.


Okay, let's get into it…


Intros & Open: Simply and clearly say hello and your name. If it's a cold call, say your company. With a cold call, clearly state why you are calling, what the point is, and what you want. This comes straight from your intention. And, slow down…


Small Talk: Connect first and powerful questions rule here. Definitely find out what's new and why they are having the convo with you.


Pleasantry. Go with something simple… Happy to be here. Great. Awesome to talk with you. Normal human stuff.


Permission. Ask to have the conversation. Check how they are on time. If you want to record the call, now is the time to ask.


Process. Simply and confidently layout how the call is going to go. This creates safety, puts them at ease, and lets the person know you are a pro.


Confidentiality. Let them know the call is confidential. More safety and demonstrates expertise.


That is it! Easy breezy, and now the stage is set to have a powerful conversation.


You should be able to say what you need to in less than a minute.


Notice there isn't a "build rapport" step. Knowing how to have a conversation, asking good questions, your energy, thinking about them, and being a pro builds rapport.


You don't need to try and build rapport because it happens as a result of being good at conversations. If you are "trying" to build rapport, you are manipulating and not focused on the other person. Don't do that.


The other thing is that when you know how to do this, then you don't need a script.


You just need to hit these marks, which frees you up to be present and in relationship with the other person. And since you aren't reading a script, you are available to think.


Just get good at business conversations, and you will absolutely crush, help people just by having the conversation, and get to work with more people.


And that is amazing! That is sales with love!


Let me know what questions you have and go have a ton of powerful conversations!